The Trueness Project

Trueness Project Butterfly Transformation Retreat sets mood for upcoming mega-event

Trueness Project Butterfly Transformation Retreat sets mood for upcoming mega-event

By Trueness Project Media Team

Every day is a new opportunity for us to transform and become better versions of ourselves. It is another chance to make that bold move towards a deeper sense of authenticity.  

Transforming others, getting transformed, listening to other people’s journeys, and the pursuit of better pathways to become better and more impactful are the desires of most people.

That is why, to contribute to satiating this thirst, M. Teresa Lawrence, President and Executive Director of the Trueness Project, hosted the Trueness Project Butterfly Transformation Retreat.

Termed highly impactful by the participants, the week-long retreat, running from February 19-25, 2024, was a timely opportunity for them to enjoy the natural magnificence of Costa Rica’s coast, natural resources, and various tourist attraction sites.

Week well spend

A week well spent

Targeting and attended by key players in the entrepreneurial, transformational leadership, and coaching fields, among others, the event was their opportunity to hold playful yet highly engaging conversations, share their transformational journey, and build camaraderie.  

They spent the week visiting the Butterfly Sanctuary and Sloth Nature Park, horseback riding, rock climbing, having interactive mastermind sessions, storytelling, waterfall hiking, mud baths, exploring the Pacific Ocean coastal region of Costa Rica to see the whales and dolphins, sunset cruising, among many other adventurous.

“This retreat has been amazing. I met people from across the USA, Canada, and Kenya. From it, I go back with valuable friendships, support, empowerment, and a lasting passion for building community,” said Muriel Blanc, proprietor of Muriel Xpressions, who was one of the participants.

Registering her unwavering support to the non-profit organization and its management, she noted, “We are going to raise a planetary vibration through the Trueness Project as a collective and as an individual.”


A precursor

She further urged the world to dress like butterflies on June 29.

Worth noting is that this was one of the preliminary events the Trueness Project is holding to clear the road for the world record-breaking Grand Butterfly Gathering on June 29, which is expected to be the largest gathering of people dressed like butterflies the world has ever seen.

The blended event will witness people donned in butterfly-like costumes gathering at Jackson Hole, Wyoming, and numerous others from across the world joining in virtually from all parts of the planet, ready to break the world record.

“Having been in this life-changing retreat helped me realize how powerful I am and all the amazing things I can do to help people realize their potential and go for it, following their passion and becoming their authentic selves,” testified Sabrina Castellanos, an Author, International Speaker, and Leadership Coach.

A believer in the mission of the Trueness Project, Castellanos noted that by joining hands, we can together create a better world for ourselves and future generations.

During the retreat, different speakers handled diverse topical issues, including time management, authorship, and book writing, creating a worldwide movement, overcoming fear, and many others.

Varied engagements

Poolside coaching, journaling, meditation sessions, quiet time, and nature expeditions inserted a fresh feeling every day, bursting the bubble and sending the participants to productivity and happiness unequaled.

“The idea was to do so many things together that could get all of us outside of our comfort zones that we break through the fears limiting us,” says Teresa.

The concoction of choices, the pursuit of random thoughts, and the jumping into the day’s uncertainties set the mood for the retreat every morning.

“When we got to the mud park, we all got messy. Appearances and attempts to look good or pretend to be something other than what we are went out of the window.  We laughed so much that it was liberating!” Teresa recollects the happy moments.

A collection of masterminds

They also curved out quiet time to focus on their chapter writing. Worth noting is that the participants will contribute a chapter each, to an upcoming book—The Grand Butterfly Gathering: Wings of Change for a Transformed World.

Pattie Sadler, the CEO and Founder of New Life Clarity Publishing and New Life Clarity Project Retreats was one of the key partners for the retreat.

She noted that the retreat brought together a collection of powerful masterminds of people pursuing global transformation.

With the event pointing the world to the upcoming Grand Butterfly Gathering, she encouraged all ears and hearts to passionately show up for it in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, and from anywhere else on earth, on June 29.

Such an extraordinary retreat couldn’t miss a scoop of the sweetness of sunset cruising.  

“Finally, when we went on the sunset cruise and set the intention of spreading peace and love on the June 29 Grand Butterfly Gathering event, we all looked at each other and knew that the earth and the stars had heard our message.

The dolphins appeared and surrounded the boat. We also saw a whale,” Teresa reminisces.

Above Fear

Above fear

“Facing our Fears,” a crucial topic which was handled by Janice Burt, an Author and International Speaker, is a prerequisite to transformation.

She revealed that her desire and resolve have always been to continuously be involved in what Teresa and the Trueness Project do.

For Amb. Dominic Obadiah, a Humanitarian Chaplain and Diplomat, who is the head of the Trueness Project Kenya Team, part of facing his fears involved covering thousands of miles in international travel for the retreat, and swimming in the Pacific Ocean for the first time, among other great escapades.

“I met so many wonderful people; we discussed about working together to promote the Trueness Project and help thousands of young school-going children in Africa,” he says.

Learning from sloths

Transformation requires one to be intentional about it, and at times, it may feel slow. We can only appreciate our speed and journeys when we see what’s around us.

“The day we went to see the sloths, we all got on the ground and stared at the sky! No one wanted to move. It felt like we were children playing in a playground and we all loved each other exactly where we were on our journeys,” Teresa narrates.

The retreat was one of a kind, an unforgettable experience to say the least, one which can only be accurately seen through the eyes of Teresa, the convener, “I don’t think anyone who attended has words to describe the love we all felt and the heartfelt friendships we all forged.”

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